Allow Customers to Pay By Invoice.
Flexible Checkout, with No Risk.

Give your customers the option to buy now and pay later. Unzer Invoice is a win-win payment method for your shop. Your customers get more freedom to shop and you boost your revenue, while we guarantee you receive your invoice payment.

Pay By Invoice – Facts & Figures

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 1 2 3

...of customers consider paying by invoice to be the safest option, as there is no need to enter bank account details.¹

0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3

...of all sales transactions in Germany are paid by invoice.²

0 1

Pay by invoice is the most popular payment method in ecommerce.³

¹ IBI Research: "Payment as a Success Factor", February 2020

² EHI: Online Payment Survey 2020

³ Statista: "Market share of selected online payment methods in Germany in 2020"

How You Benefit

Buy Now, Pay Later.
Boost Your Business.

Increased conversion rate

Allowing customers to pay by invoice increases the conversion rate of your online shop. Moreover, customers add more products to their basket when they have flexible payment options. If needed, you can set a limit on the highest amounts payable by invoice.


Add the option to pay in instalments. Financing options are especially popular for more expensive products.

Guaranteed payout

Unzer Invoice takes the stress out of payment: Your customers can pay for their purchase at a later date, while your payout is guaranteed, helping you plan ahead. We cover the risk of non-payment and take care of the receivables. You can rest assured knowing that we are friendly and fair to your customers.

More trust

Consumers find shops that offer the option to pay later more trustworthy and customer-friendly. Our white label solutions take it a step further, keeping your customers within your brand experience during the entire payment process. This increases trust and improves customer retention.

White paper

Pay by Invoice,
Without Risk.

Customers love having the option to buy now and pay later. But many merchants are worried about the risk of non-payment. With Unzer as your payment provider for invoice payments, your shop's revenue is secured. Learn more in our white paper.

White label solutions

Your Brand Builds Trust.
Our Solutions Strengthen It.

With Unzer, you can accept invoice payments under your brand's name. We are not visible as a third party. Your customers experience a seamless, trustworthy payment process in your brand's design. We securely process the payment in the background, including real-time risk checks, purchasing your accounts receivable, and paying you the purchase amount.


Little Effort,
Big Impact.


NEW: Digital invoice payment at the POS

With Unzer, you can offer one of the most popular payment methods in your physical stores too. Pay by invoice is the payment method of choice for more expensive products. Your customers benefit from a digital payment process, which is just as simple as paying online, while risk checks run in the background in real time. You can integrate our solution into your POS system or your mobile app.


Boost your online shop's revenue

A white label solution in your shop's design is easy to set up and increases your conversion rate. Simply select an integration tool, such as software developer kits (SDK) or the Unzer REST API, and you're ready to accept invoice payments in your online shop.

BNPL solution for B2B

Pay by Invoice.
The Most Important Payment Method for Business Clients.

Offer your customers a simple checkout with the option to pay by invoice. Many businesses do not have a credit card or PayPal account for business expenses. Buy now, pay later (BNPL) on the other hand can be used by everyone. Integrate the guaranteed pay by invoice solution from Unzer into your online shop for satisfied customers and more revenue.

  • Increased conversion rate
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Protection against payment defaults; instant payout
  • Customer-friendly receivables management
  • Easy integration

Answers to common questions about invoice payments

In which countries can I offer pay by invoice from Unzer?

Our buy now, pay later solutions are currently available in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Can my business clients pay by invoice?

Yes, with Unzer you can offer invoice payments for B2B transactions. We fully cover you against the risk of payment defaults.

Can I offer pay by invoice over the phone?

Yes, with Unzer you can also offer pay by invoice for MOTO transactions.

Can I offer pay by invoice at the point of sale (POS)?

Yes, your customers can also pay by invoice in your physical stores. The payment is processed digitally at the point of sale. Credit checks are performed in real time. This avoids any additional waiting time for your and your customers.

How soon do I receive the payouts from my sales?

We work with you to find the ideal payout terms for your business model. Instant payouts are also possible.

When do I incur costs as a merchant? Will I be charged during the credit and identity checks?

You don't incur any costs until the purchase has been completed and the goods have been sent. In case of refunds, you can have the fees reimbursed.

What invoice amount is due for a partial delivery?

Your customers do not have to pay until the product or service was actually delivered.

What happens if the customer does not pay their invoice?

In this case we will take care of the unpaid amount. We always communicate with your customers in a fair and friendly manner. The aim is to find a solution that ensures your customers will be happy to buy from you again. Our white label approach means you can choose whether to customise the payment reminders and debt collection process in your brand's look and feel.

Will my returning customers be priotised when paying by invoice?

Yes, as part of our risk strategy, data regarding the customer's purchase history are analysed. This maximises the acceptance rate.

Does Unzer use my customers' data for anything other than payment processing?

No. We do not use customer data for upselling or cross-selling and never sell on your customers' data.

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